Possible future outcomes of Merit-Based Scholarships for College Students

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Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com


The future of the American education system is one that will see more people able to afford college, but it may also see higher costs for students at the same time.

more people will be able to afford college

You, the reader, are probably wondering how this will happen. It’s simple! When more people can afford college and don’t have to take out loans or scholarships to pay for it, they will see education as a commodity and less of an entitlement. This means that students will be more selective about choosing their universities based on cost rather than just prestige or name recognition.

One example is already happening: The University Of Missouri has announced plans to cut its tuition rates by 15%. This follows several other colleges who have made similar cuts in recent years because they want more applicants from middle class families who can’t afford their current price tag (and thus don’t apply).

College will become more affordable

One of the most important benefits of merit-based scholarships is that it will make college more affordable for everyone. As more students are able to go to college, the cost per student decreases and tuition rates drop. This means that even if you don’t qualify for any merit-based scholarships, there’s still a chance that your education at an institution could be less expensive than it would have been otherwise.

education will be valued as a commodity and less of an entitlement

Education is not a right. It is a commodity that must be purchased, and it’s time we started treating it as such.

Education has become too important to be left up to the whims of government funding or charity; if you want an education, you must go out and earn it yourself by working hard in school and getting good grades. If you don’t do well on tests or have trouble learning certain subjects, there are plenty of private companies who will help you improve your skills with their own merit-based scholarships for college students!

We have a responsibility to make sure that students are well informed of these new changes before we pass them.

It is our responsibility to make sure that students are well informed of these new changes before we pass them. Students should be able to afford college, and if they can’t, then it’s our job to help them out.


In conclusion, it is important that we take this time to educate ourselves on the possible future outcomes of Merit-Based Scholarships for College Students. The more we know about what could happen in the future, the better prepared we will be for when those changes do occur.

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